Wednesday 22 April 2020

Raffle raffle raffle raffle - the happy winners

Do you know that it takes our club two years to prepare for raffle? The topic comes up at meetings some months after the previous exhibition. We like to have a bit of time to get over it. People are asked to step up, to make a couple of quilts. We are a quilting group, what else are we going to raffle? Designs are considered, fabric is purchased. We plan on making two very different quilts, to appeal to different tastes. Then comes the making. Because we like to showcase interesting techniques and make quilts a cut above the ordinary, it takes months to make the actual quilt. Then a longarm quilter has to sweat over how to custom quilt it. Eventually it returns to the group and someone else has to step up to bind the quilt. Then the label and the hanging sleeve has to go on it. Decent photographs have to be taken, publicity organised and finally, raffle tickets printed.

That is where all you come in. All the wonderful people who bought tickets in this year's raffle. Which should have accompanied an Exhibition but didn't due to enforced social distancing measures that we have all been complying with. We sit at tables in shopping centres, we pester our friends, we buy loads of tickets ourselves.

Then comes the day to draw the raffle. This time it was on Sunday 19th April 2020 at 3pm via live feed to Facebook. Then the joy of informing the lucky winners that they have won prizes! So thrilled, such happy recipients. Well done to Victoria, Liz and Tarita.

First Prize went to Victoria who won the quilt Thistle and Lime. She brought her daughter along to share the joy of winning.

Second Prize went to Liz, who won the quilt Feathered Friends.

Third Prize went to Tarita who won the 2-night stay for two at Lake Crackenback Resort and Spa, along with a $100 voucher to spend there. I hope she enjoys it as much as our members do when we have our retreats there.

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